Sunday, November 18, 2007




[via FoxyTunes / Pernice Brothers]

This song sounds a little melancholy because it is. "I'm not depressed but I want to be" is the message I keep getting. I think there is a small amount of hope in the lyrics so I am going to keep my head up and out of the oven. Enjoy

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Song: There Goes the Sun
Artist: Pernice Brothers

now always, i wait for you
to take this pale opaque and let some light go through
kicked the life from me, left a headless drum
crushed the rabbit cage of my skeleton
overload on "lets get lost"
scratched your farewell couplet in my window frost
kicked the life from me and non better comes
till one better comes, there goes the sun.

hope theres love where you may land
let this frost heave open up and take me in
kick this life from me till one better comes
till one better comes, there goes the sun

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Public Service Announcement



[via FoxyTunes / Super Furry Animals]

I just wanted to say that I am glad that someone finally wrote a song about something we are all afraid of. Those babies have always got their eyes on my stash! At least now, with this tune, you can remember to keep those stash stealin' babies at bay! I am trying a new service for my little player. Let me know what you think.

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Song: Baby Ate My Eightball
Artisit: Super Furry Animals

Baby, baby, baby.
Baby ate my eight ball.
Frothing at the mouth ascending to heaven.
Mental note to self:
Keep in safe place away from harm.
Baby, baby, baby.
Baby ate my eight ball.
Frothing at the mouth ascending to heaven.
See you on the other side.
Sorry to cut your life so short.
Mental note to self:
Keep in safe place away from harm.
Baby, baby, baby.
Baby ate my eight ball.
Baby, baby, baby.
Baby ate my eight ball.
Frothing at the mouth ascending to heaven.
Baby, baby, baby.
Baby ate my eight ball.
Baby, baby, baby.
Baby ate my eight ball.